Thursday, January 3, 2013

Final Summary/Reaction

My sociological research method for my Social Class presentation was a survey based on knowledge/abilities pertaining to all three social classes. While the surveys were anonymous, I asked for age, sex, and which class they believed that they belonged to. When they had finished the survey, I had the participants all tally up their results to see how many items they checked off in each section and had asked them if they were at all surprised with their results. I also recorded their personal reactions as to whether they believed the survey helped them to learn more about the differences between social class besides financial situations. As of 12/26, I have completely conducted my research, and have compiled all of my information to make a presentation. I plan to use Prezi to present my findings in this project. I enjoyed doing this project because I think the topic of Social Class is intriguing, especially with its prominence in the news lately relating to how it shapes the nation. I also enjoyed the opportunity to share this great insight of a survey with other people.