Thursday, November 29, 2012

Research Update

For my Research, I am conducting a Social Class Survey. I made a cover page for the Survey which included the participant's age, sex, and what they believed was their current social class, regardless of all outside factors. I also made a results page which explained what the survey that they just took meant, and had space for them to tally up their results and realize that most people while characterizing themselves in only one social class usually have abilities/knowledge from all 3 classes, along with the question of whether or not they were surprised with their results. I have already given the survey to 5 people who have completed it and given it back to me. I plan to give out the rest of the surveys in the next two weeks and have them back before 12/25. With the information from the survey and the additional two pages that I added on, I will have a sufficient amount of information to make a presentation showing the results and percentages of different age groups and gender and report on the success or failure of the realization reactions for the intended purpose of this survey.

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